Strong Nations - Food Crisis


Strong Nations - Food Crisis

United States of America is a country with more than 6000 nuclear warheads, 5000 + military jets and piles of other weapons. Each country develop's and maintains weapons for security of the nation, but is it necessary to feed weapons instead of poor population? According to a survey 1 out of 8 households in USA is tensed about fulfilling regular financial duties for the family members. Around 1 % of kids in USA suffer from chronic malnutrition and 1 of every 5 kids face malnutrition around the year. Same condition is for PRC or simply call it China, Russia, Iraq and Pakistan. China has over 290 Nuclear warheads while Russia owns 6500+ nuclear warheads. Pakistan stands in tally with 120+ nuclear warheads and Iraq is used to spend a lot on arms and weapons. In only Pakistan 1/4 of the population lives below the poverty line as per 2019 estimate and despite rise in income the poor are not able to afford healthy meals a day because of various factors including inflation but authorities have to take care of national security and warheads as priority. Iraq has got around 18 % population below official poverty limit as per 2019 estimate. Adding up poverty stricken population of both Asian nations Iraq and Pakistan, we get tally of around 6 crore or 60 million population living below the official poverty limit and this is 2.5 times the population of Australia or 1/6 the population of USA. Russia has maximum tanks and modern air warfare but 12% of it's population is fighting to cross poverty line, similarly another military power center China has 1.7% population living in poverty. Russia and China's figure adds to 3.5 crore or 35 million people living in poverty in nations which has capability to destroy world for several times. Developed nations talk of peace, harmony and equality during UN Speeches but harsh reality is they have only added more & more stuff to kill humans but no firm step is taken to feed humans. Almost every nation on Earth has a nuclear warfare program and it is well equipped and highly funded even in nations like Syria, Libya and South Sudan. But, no nation has a "Food for all" program and no nation has any plan or planning commission to provide direct help to poverty stricken people and there is no committee working on uplifting the poor people. Just giving the speeches and organizing international seminars and community talks will not add value to our society or nation, for adding value each one of us has think uniformly to establish real peace. World war has ended after 1945, still nations keep on buying and developing costly weapons and it indicates that war is paused not ended as all are getting ready for the war in name of so called national interest and security. Each nation is ready for war but no nation is ready for serving the poor and exploited class of our own society. Half of world's population lives on less than 2.5$ a day and 1.3 billion people in world are facing extreme poverty. Today, Each nation defines its development in terms of how many times they can destroy the world and how many nations they can fight at a time but no nations define development in terms of feeding the humans and making earth a better place to live.

Watch my research on civil war & its affect on humanity on my channel and link is as follows.

My research on Iraq Civil War, link is below:

My research on South Sudan Civil war, Link is below:

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